Back in May 2009 a seed was sown. Over the next few months the seed grew and took on a new dimension. A Vocal Dimension.

With our passion for singing, a love for the ringing chords of four part a cappella harmony and a vision to form a new chorus aimed at those new to the art of barbershop singing, the four founder members began to plan.

Our History

Our History

Our History

Our History

Over the summer, we talked about what we wanted to achieve. Our seed continued to take root and eventually burst into life! By the end of October 2009 we had a name, a venue, the beginnings of a solid plan and the support of friends and family.

Between us, the four founder members have nearly 30 years’ barbershop singing experience and our skills include music judge (sound category), musical leadership (former assistant music director and section leaders), techno wizardry, parody writing and, oh yes, a little bass.

It was with a mixture of sadness at leaving behind friends and excitement for our new venture that we finally said goodbye to our previous chorus after a wonderful and successful trip to the International Barbershop Competition in Nashville, Tennessee in October 2009.

Vocal Dimension has grown into a fantastic group – great singing, great camaraderie and great fun! Having become a fully fledged member of Sweet Adelines International back in 2011 we have since competed at both Regional and International level, finding ourselves in Baltimore, USA back in 2014 and at the MGM Grand, Las Vegas in 2016.

We have experienced many wonderful things together; singing under the Christmas Tree at Trafalgar Square, entertaining the crowds at the Ideal Home Show and at the London a cappella festival, recorded at RAF Northolt along side the Military Wives Choir, we've supported local charities and events at all sorts of amazing venues, we've had the honor of singing at weddings, at parties, on local radio and we have even appeared on BBC1's Saturday night entertainment show Pitch Battle.


We love nothing more than spending time together and sharing both our music and our passion for performing. - Share our passion and join us.

Vocal Dimension - Our Values (Passion, Musical Excellence, Team Spirit, Performance)
Our Values


Performance Passion Musical Excellence Team Spirit